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DOH-Putnam Healthy Families Team Participates at the Putnam County Fair.

April 05, 2021

The DOH-Putnam Healthy Families Team participated at the Putnam County Fair, March 29-27, 2021. They set up a booth to familiarize citizens and families with the program.

Team members were able to share information and make connections with an abundance of community members, agencies, and potential participants. In addition, the Healthy Families program received a “First Place” ribbon at the event for their booth. Heather Underwood FSW/FAW and Kristie McCloud FSW/FAW assisted in decorating and providing ideas for theme and other items.

Pictured from left to right, Wanda Jelks FSW/FAW, Robyn Jernigan PM, and Tina Merritt FSWS. Other team members assisting at the booth include and not pictured include Danielle Parton FSW/FAW, Yenny Hernandez FSW/FAW, Jamie Keen-Alford FSW/FAW and Kathy Wright FAW/CEL.


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